
Explore The Art of Creative Flow

Change your mind by building daily habits that help you consistently get in a creative state of flow where you can feel and perform your best.

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1. When


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2. Where


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3. Why


Learn More About Flow Psychology

Find your focus and unlock your creativity.

Download My Flow Psychology Guide

Learn about the psychology of optimal experience and research into states of flow.

1. The Creative Process

Map out your creative process to increase your discovery and incubation of new ideas and creative projects.

In a digital world where robots and algorithms are disrupting entire industries, creativity, flexibility and adaptability are the most important skill to navigate a fast-changing world.

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2. Flow States

Discover the history of positive psychology, flow psychology and neuroscience research into optimal states of consciousness.

Learn about the seven categories of flow triggers that help organize and structure your activities for consistently achieving flow states of focused immersion in your work.

3. Biohacking Flow

How to naturally increase the 5 neurotransmitters that fuel optimal experiences: serotonin, dopamine, norephineprine, anandamide and endorphins.

Learn how to build keystone habits that help you break the cycle of artificial highs based on instant gratification and social validation.

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4. Flow Music

Learn how instrumental and atmospheric music can be used to eliminate distractions and boost your dopamine.

Dopamine is a crucial part of the creative process because it makes it easier to courageously embrace creative risks while it also increases your pattern recognition abilities. 


5. Quantified Self

Technology is a double edged sword and we often dance of razor edge of mindlessness and mindfulness when using our smartphones.

However, used intentionally smartphones, wearable technologies and even can be powerful tools for growth, getting immediate feedback and becoming more accountable to your life goals.

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6. Group Flow

Amazing things happen when creative people come together. There is nothing more powerful than a creative tirbe of like-minded people building the change they want to see in the world.

Learn about the effects of Communitas when people come together with a common passion and purpose, and how to create high energy and rich environments that provide a deeper sense of mission and belonging.

7. Living In Flow?

Can you live a creative life of flow? Yes, you can. Learn how flow experiences can dramatically increase creative insight, serendipity and synchronicities.

Start planning a more intentional life and follow a creative vision to build a  more meaningful and fulfilling life based around passion and purpose.

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About The Instructor

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Kyle Pearce is from Vancouver, Canada and he has over a decade of experience working with startup founders, marketing executives and small business owners to craft digital content strategies for their brands.

For the last 7 years, he has run an online learning website called DIY Genius teaching students how to become more focused, digitally creative and self-motivated.

He built his first website in 2003 and he has worked in digital marketing since 2009 and online education since 2011. Kyle is a proven do-it-yourself learner who loves to teach and share his methods and creative projects.

He is a full-stack marketer, which means he is skilled in designing landing pages, conversion optimization, link building, marketing automation systems, web analytics, brand storytelling and running performance-based Google Ads and Facebook Ads campaigns.

He is passionate about self-education, empowering creative people and teaching forest ecology and sensory immersion meditation practices in the wilderness.

Explore The Art of Creative Flow

Change your mind by building daily habits that help you consistently get in a creative state of flow where you can feel and perform your best.

Join The Workshop